About Us

Introduction of PCGA:

Pakistan Cotton Ginners’ Association is working for the betterment of cotton ginning industry in Pakistan since 1958. PCGA recognized as one of the biggest associations having more than 1200 ginner members all over Pakistan. The main Secretariat of the Association is established at PCGA House, Multan were as two zones are working under PCGA head office i.e North zone & South zone. North zone jurisdiction is Punjab & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and working with the Main office at Multan and three sub-offices at Bahawalpur, Vehari & Chichawatni. South zone jurisdiction is Sindh & Balochistan and working with the Main office at Karachi. The general body by-election elect PCGA Executive Body that is comprised of 30 members and that central executive committee members elect office-bearers of the association. Office bearers comprise of One Chairman, One Senior Vice Chairman & One Vice Chairman.

Pakistan Cotton Ginners’ Association is the only institution which provides Cotton Arrival Figures in Pakistan on Fortnightly basis that are internationally recognized and use full for all the stakeholders.

Pakistan Cotton Ginners’ Association is a representative body that takes care of the interest of the ginners and coordinates their problems with the Federal and Provincial Government Agencies to resolve them. PCGA is working as a bridge between Growers & Textile mills and linked with APTMA, KCA, Growers & all Provincial & Federal institutions.  PCGA is playing its active role to strengthen the economy of Pakistan and eliminating poverty by providing employment to a large number of populations.  The due representation given to PCGA in all the sectors i.e Agriculture, Industrial, Research, Development & Planning, Financial Institutions, Insurance, WAPDA, NEPRA, Seed Certification, Engineering Development, Excise & Taxation, and have liaison with all the federal & provincial ministries and NGO’s i.e WWF, BCI, NPO etc.


Importance of Ginning Sector:

The Ginners are single buyer of seed cotton (phutti) and important stakeholder in the textile sector. Ginners are playing their vital role between growers & spinners. The main product of Ginners is “ginned cotton” and bi-product is “cotton seed”. Cotton Ginning industry is really the backbone of Pakistan’s economy and cotton and its made-ups products contributes 70% share in total export earning and textile sector contributes 9.5% in the total GDP. The maximum growth of GDP is only due this crop. The ginners’ contribution towards taxation is 41.00 billion annually in shape of Income tax.


The main objectives of the association are :

  1. To encourage friendly feeling and unanimity amongst Ginner on all subjects.
  2. To secure good relations between members of the Association.
  3. To promote the cotton trade.
  4. To collect and circulate statistics & information of cotton arrival figures.
  5. To monitor legislative and other measures affecting the cotton trade.
  6. To make representation to local, provincial and central authorities on any matter.
  7. To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising out of transactions in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Association.
  8. To regulate conditions of employment in the industry conducted or carried on by its members.
  9. And generally to do all that may be necessary for the interest of the realization of the above objects of the Association directly or indirectly.
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